What was to see:

Here you find a short overview (and not all), what was to see during the exhibition - many paintings, sculptures, fotos, merchandise and rarities. For prices etc please take a look to the artists and the auction.


Spechial offers until 12.05.2018: 

Following artist had reduce their prices.


Miki de Goodeboom: 50% of all works

Aaron Wong: 50% of all works

Katarina Dorch: 50% of all works, and "Woman from Tokyo" 100 Euro

Vladi Krafft: 50% of all works and the collection wirh all members (14 prints) for 350 Euro incl. original autographs Don Airey, Roger Glover and Joe Satriani (only on 12.5.)

Matthias Laurenz-Gräff: Painting 200 Euro less, drawing 100 Euro less

Margarete Rettkowski-Felten: Every painting for 100 Euro.

Manfred Stoffer: 50 % of all photos

Yuri Malkov: 5 Euro (25%) of all works


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