Andenken/Memorabilia / Support

Would you like to remember this exhibition?

If you are interesting for some merchandise, please send us a email (incl. Shirt-size and style, how many pieces, adress) and transfer the ammount to our bankacount (see below).
Bei Interesse bitten wir um Zusendung einer Mail mit Deinen Adressdaten und genauen Wünschen (Größe und Wunschfarbe des Shirts, Anzahl, Zusendung?). Die Sachen können bei einem Event abgeholt oder zugeschickt werden. Wir bitten um Vorabüberweisung auf unser Konto:


Kulturförderkreis K-8 e. V., Hermann-Kausen-Str. 49, 50737 Köln, Fidor Bank, IBAN: DE76 7002 2200 0020 1608 10, BIC: FDDODEMMXXX


Tasse / Mug (16 Euro + Versand):

T-Shirt mit allen Musikern (50-55 Euro + Versand):

Auf Grund des hohen Preises geben wir die Shirts nach Zahlungseingang in Auftrag und geben den Herstellungspreis 1:1 an Dich weiter. Daher ist sowohl die Größe, die Art und die Shirt-Farbe frei wählbar.

Would you like to support this exhibition?

We have no support for this exhibition. So we need your help for paying insurance, organisation, inviting Deep Purple musicians etc. and we hope you will buy some items or send us a financial donation (please ask for our bank-account). This would help us to realize a great event. Every supporter will find his name here for a warm welcome.


If you would like to be a part of the exhibition, please let us know. We are looking for helpers for the entrance (check tickets, if the event is not free for all), the catering (selling drinks during the events), different things before the event starts / after ending.

We would be grateful for any help, so we hope to hear from you. Thank you very much.


We are an non-profit-organisation and we try to do a great event. If you like to donate, we can write a thankyou to you on our site here. We need donations for insurance, exhibition hall, inviting musicians etc. Thank you very much for your support.


We say thank you very much for your support:

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